The Friends of The OPP Museum Legacy Wall is just that – a section of wall space that has been set aside at OPP General Headquarters in Orillia where Friends is able to recognize the many donors who have made a financial contribution to the work and legacy of Friends of The OPP Museum.
Since its creation in 2008, Friends of The OPP Museum has relied on the financial contributions of hundreds of donors and supporters. This Legacy Wall stands in tribute to those supporters who have built the foundation on which our volunteer-run organization now stands. It also serves to inspire others to continue to build upon this solid foundation, allowing Friends and The OPP Museum to thrive today, and in the future.
Collectively, our donors demonstrate the incredible pride that they have in the work that has been done by the unique individuals, both uniform and civilian, who have made up the Ontario Provincial Police since 1909. It is with this pride in mind that we preserve and share the history of the Ontario Provincial Police, and honour the legacy of those who have gone before, and those who today continue to serve the people of Ontario.
This Legacy Wall is dedicated to two major supporters: John and Marion Hillmer, and the Commissioned Officers’ Association.
The Legacy of John and Marion Hillmer
Staff Superintendent John M. Hillmer and his wife, Marion, were long-time supporters and donors to The OPP Museum. John believed strongly in the importance of preserving OPP history and documenting the lives of those who served. John had a remarkable memory and was routinely counted on as a valuable resource for information and advice by Museum staff. He was always willing to share his insight, experience and many treasured artifacts from his impressive 32 year career (1947 – 1979). John donated uniforms, insignia, and hundreds of photographs and documents to the collection; reminders of a fascinating career in policing and a treasure trove of stories and inspiration. Marion was also a great resource and source of support with her author’s wit and willingness to share her unique perspectives. Her dedication to John and he to his bride, as he so often called her, was inspirational.
Friends was humbled to have been recognized by John and Marion with a substantial financial contribution to the work Friends of The OPP Museum; a contribution that has allowed this donor recognition wall to be constructed, and through which, their legacy of preserving, and inspiring others, lives on.

Staff Superintendent John M. Hillmer, badge #1024/1008 and Marion Hillmer
The Legacy of the OPP Commissioned Officers’ Association
The Commissioned Officers’ Association (COA) is made up of officers who hold the rank of Inspector or above, making them holders of the Queen’s Commission.
The COA has consistently demonstrated their collective commitment to the preservation and sharing of OPP history through their support of Friends and The OPP Museum. These members have participated in events, promoted the Museum and, for many decades, have made significant financial contributions to various projects. In 2021, this support was once again re-enforced when the COA gifted the store they had been operating at OPP GHQ to Friends of The OPP Museum. This gift is truly a lasting legacy as Friends are now able to harness this potential to generate annual revenue and to expand the reach of its educational and inspirational programs. We thank each and every member of the OPP’s COA, current and former, for their ongoing commitment to the preservation of OPP history, and their legacy of inspiring leadership.
Recognition Criteria
Individuals, groups or families who have cumulatively donated between $500.00 and $999.99 are recognized with a single line plaque on the Legacy Wall; those who have donated between $1000.00 and $4999.99 receive a two line plaque on the Legacy Wall and those who have donated more than $5000.00 are recognized with a two line plaque in a unique colour on the Legacy Wall. Please see the sample plaques here.
If you have already been notified that you have made a donation that qualifies for inclusion on the Legacy Wall, please use the form below to indicate how you want your dedication plaque to read.
If you would like to make a contribution to ensure that your name appears on the Legacy Wall, it’s easy. Just select one of the payment options below. And please remember, donors will also receive a tax receipt for the full amount of their donation.
- Online: make a donation by Visa or Mastercard by clicking “payment > donate” above
- e-transfer: send a donation via e-transfer to (please indicate Legacy Wall donation in the comments section and include your contact information)
- cheque: mail a cheque (payable to Friends of The OPP Museum) to Friends of The OPP Museum, 777 Memorial Ave., Orillia, ON L3V 7V3
- OPP Shop: drop off a payment at the store
All donations will be automatically tallied towards your lifetime donation total. Each year, as your donation total grows, we will ensure that your name is recognized in the appropriate category.
For a limited time, donors whose names appear on the Legacy Wall will also receive a special Friends of The OPP Museum Legacy Wall challenge coin in recognition of their contribution (while supplies last).
Example Plaques

To ensure your dedication plaque is free of errors, please complete the following form:
Questions about your donation status, or the Legacy Wall project? Email us at
If you know of someone else who might be interested in having their name, or the name of a loved one, a team, a group or a company on our Legacy Wall, please share this information with them.